Tuesday, April 6, 2010

November Carrots/ Jewels in the Dirt

The last rows of carrots got left over the winter. I tried to give them a break by putting bags of leaves over them. The Frost is out of the ground now and my daughter brought me a handful of carrots. The tops were soft but the rest of each carrot was crisp and sweet. What a moment! I'll dig a bunch up later this week.
It is raining now, a break in the drought we have been having for the last 3 years. All the time I have been out here there has been a drought. There are acres of wild raspberries up on the hill and I haven't taken a bucket up yet. It is nice to listen and hear rain all afternoon.
This morning I covered the asparagus bed and walking path with loose hay. If someone roto-tills for me, then they know what to miss. So there is a 30' by 5' bed soaking up some water. I was just walking around thinking about what I could do this year. The surgery has left me with upper arms that can't take stress, or twist, or lift. But I can hold things that aren't heavy. Maybe with help I could manage enough to fill the freezer and eat like a vegetarian all summer. Maybe.... Maybe....

1 comment:

  1. 'Someone' will be out to Hamburg to rototill (or whatever else needs to be done)this week Friday AND Saturday AND maybe Sunday if our bodies can stand it! I think I can grow it if you can help me preserve it!
